Thursday, November 1, 2007


Last week we had written about the Fad Diet. When I was looking for it, I couldn't understand it. Why were many people doing this when they want to lose weight? Here is the best way!! I suggest you guys. If you wish to lose weight, you should try to go to the gym. Right!! It is very common thing. But many people miss it. They wish that got them weight down quickly so they want something miracle way (such as Fad Diet, something produst...etc). Of cause, that way can help you little bit. But think about it a few minutes. After you get your weight down If you wnat to keep your weight, you have to do it until you die. Do you wnat it ? Maybe not!! When I was in Korea, I was very very fat. So many friends teased me. They was calling me "Pig" or "bear." After i came here, I decided that I must lose weight. Fortunately, I was a great sucess in the exercise. Are you anxious how much I lose weight? Don't be surprised!! I got my weigt down about 10kg. Ha Ha Ha...^^ Some friends asked me how to lose weight. I told them, "Take exercise hard!! Run 1hour!! weight training 1hour!!.." Maybe someone think that I am also fat guy. But I don't mind it beacause I am very satisfied. I show you the picture.
7 months ago, I looked like it!! ^^


Sawako said...

Hi Homey, it's Sawako.
Do u miss me!?
Have a great weekend!
See u soon^^

Haruka said...

Did you enjoy your weekend?
When I talked with you,you told me that you go to the gym eveyday!!
10kg?? Unbelivable!!!
You have done a good job!(^^)!
Next time,can I go to the gym with you? My friends don't go to the gym.And I don't know the gym's system.
Please tell me☆
See you tomorrow.

Kristi said...

Wow! That's unbelievable!! You are living proff that going to the gym is a good thing! What do you do if you hate the gym? I find it really hard to go to the gym...

yapy said...

Wow! The picture is really yours? It's a great work. I know the gym is good for losing weight, but I wonder how can I get some weigh more? Tell me, please.